
Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femoroacetabular Impingement is a pathology in which there is an extra bone growth at one or both bones that create the hip joint. The hip is a ball and socket joint, so when these bones do not fit together properly, they rub against each other causing pain and other injuries. This is resulted due to either an irregularly shaped ball (cam lesion), socket (pincer lesion), or both (mixed cam and pincer lesion). Over time, this causes tearing of the hip labrum and/or early-onset osteoarthritis.


Patients with FAI will typically experience pain in the hip and groin areas. Symptoms typically develop over time and symptoms worsen with activities and movement. As the condition develops, symptoms and pain may become constant. In most cases, the level of exercise or activity does not cause FAI Typical symptoms which include:

  • Pain at the hip and/or groin area
  • Pain with sharp/sudden movements
  • Clicking/locking sensation at the hip
  • Pain after prolonged sitting or standing
  • Loss of hip movement


Early-onset FAI can be treated with conservative treatment options such as:

  • Anti-Inflammatories
  • Rest and activity modification
  • Physical therapy with emphasis on glutes, core, and hip strengthening

If conservative measures fail, an injection of the hip joint with an anesthetic and steroid can be used to provide relief and for diagnostic purposes. If surgery is necessary, our physicians specializing in hips suggest a minimally invasive hip arthroscopy procedures to reshape the bones of the hip joint, during this time they can also address other soft tissue injuries such as labral tears to restore normal.

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